Volume III: GeoBackcountry Rogers Pass Map
Volume III: GeoBackcountry Rogers Pass Map
>>>> Limited Map Stock <<<<
Map stock is very low and there will not be a reprint for this season. There are only 2 maps available for individual purchase. The remaining limited stock will only be available for customers purchasing a Trilogy package (both books + map).
2nd Edition
Crafted with the highest-quality materials by one of North America’s top printers.
The companion map to the GeoBackcountry Rogers Pass: Uptracks, Bootpacks & Bushwhacks books, this is the 2nd Edition GeoBackcountry Rogers Pass: Uptracks, Bootpacks & Bushwhacks Map for backcountry skiing at Rogers Pass, BC. This map is 38” x 27” and folds to 4.25” x 9”. The map is at a 1:42,500 scale and has 273 routes. All routes and info cross-reference with the books.
This item is limited stock. Please allow 5 – 15 business days for delivery within Canada. International orders may take longer to ship depending on location.
Made with the finest YUPO Synthetic Paper
Tech specs
Developed in Revelstoke, BC
Printed in Canada
2nd Edition
Tear resistant
Dimensions: 38” x 27” (folds to 4.25” x 9”)
Scale: 1:42,500
Contour interval: 20-metre
Release date: December, 2020
ISBN: 978-0-9937695-5-9
Regionality: British Columbia
Language: English
Ideal for: Backcountry skiing | Ski mountaineering
Marked approach, ascent and descent routes
Tons of annotated info
Relief shading (hill-shading)
Vetted by Parks Canada
New Parks Canada Winter Permit System (2020)
273 routes
New terrain
Double-sided, full colour
High-resolution illustrated and annotated terrain images
Rogers Pass highway avalanche control program
Parks Canada regulations
Parks Canada Designated Access Routes
Summer trails and best winter access routes
GPS ready - UTM grid and lat/lon
Quick reference for location info to parking areas, backcountry huts, Parks Canada Designated Access Routes and Parks Canada trails